Annual Statements

Notice of Public Rights 2023-2024

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance and Accountability Return  (AGAR)  2022/2023

CPC AGAR 2022-23

Public Rights 2022-2023 CPC

Public Rights 2022-2023 CPC

Annual Governance and Accountability Return  (AGAR)  2021/2022

Public Rights 2021-2022

Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 202122 Form 2

Annual Statements 2020/2021

Exercise of Public Rights

Notice of Public Rights 2021

Annual Accounting Statement

Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement

Annual Governance Statement

Independent Internal Auditor Report

Annual Internal Audit Report

Certificate of Exemption

Certificate of Exemption

Annual Statements 2019/20

Exercise of public rights

Annual Accounting Statements

Annual Statements 2018/19


Certificate of Exemption

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Annual Accounting Statements

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Annual Governance Statements

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Items of Expenditure over £100

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Explanation of Variances

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End of Financial Year Bank Reconciliation

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Asset Register

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Independent Internal Auditor Report

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Exercise of Public Rights

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Annual Statements 2017/18


Explanation of Variances

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Accounting Statement May 2018

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Annual Governance Statement

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Annual Internal Auditors Report

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Certificate of Exemption

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Bank Reconciliation

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Confirmation of Dates Public Rights

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Annual Statements 2016/17


Notice of Conclusion of Audit

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Accounting Statement April 17

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Annual Governance Statement

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Exercise of public rights year end 31st March 2017

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Declaration of status of accounts 2017

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Significant Variances on accounting statement 2017

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Asset register 2017

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